



  • 宣布: Projects that have appeared in corporate or governmental planning documents but have not yet moved forward by applying for permits or seeking land, coal, or financing. This often includes a planned “Phase II” at a location where “Phase I” is currently under development.
  • 预许可开发: Projects that have actively moved forward in one or more of the following ways: applying for environmental permits; securing financing; and/or acquiring land, coal, water rights, or transmission arrangements. In India, pre-permit means the project has received a “terms of reference” (TOR) letter from the Ministry of Environment, while in China it means a feasibility study has been completed.
  • 允许: Projects that have secured all environmental permits and licenses but have not begun construction. For most countries, including India, this means the environmental impact assessment has been approved and environmental clearance has been granted. In China, “Permitted” means a plant has received a permit from the Development and Reform Commission, allowing for construction. In some countries, such as Turkey, construction is not allowed until both the EIA has been approved and a generation license is granted.
  • 施工: concrete-pouring or foundation work has begun. GEM does not mark a plant as under construction if a “foundation stone” has been laid or only land preparation such as site clearing or dredging is underway, because such activities do not always lead to physical construction of the plant. Where possible, satellite images and first-hand accounts are used to verify construction status.
  • 搁置: Projects where sufficient evidence is found to indicate that it is no longer moving forward. A project that shows no activity over a period of 2 years is categorized as “Shelved”. Projects where construction has been put on hold for over 2 years are also designated “Shelved.” If a company or government announces that a project is on hold, it is marked shelved until it meets the criteria for cancellation (below).
  • 取消: In some cases companies or governments announce that they have cancelled a project. More often a project fails to advance and then quietly disappears from company documents or government energy plans. A project that was previously in an active category is moved to “Cancelled” if it disappears from company or national planning documents, even if no announcement is made. In addition, a plant that shows no activity over a period of 4 years is categorized as “Cancelled”. Projects that are switched to natural gas or biomass are considered “Cancelled” as coal plants.
  • 操作: Units that have been formally commissioned and have entered commercial operation.
  • 封存: Units that have been deactivated or put into an inactive state but not retired. Such units can return to operation, although they are not currently operating.
  • 退休: Units that have been permanently decommissioned or converted to another fuel.

每个燃煤电厂的位置都标记为“精确”或“近似”。 在精确坐标的情况下,可以使用 Google 地图、Google 地球或 Wikimapia(现有项目)直观地确定位置。 对于拟议项目,确切位置(如果有)来自许可证申请或其他公司文件。

我放大了,但没有看到电厂。 为什么?

如果燃煤电厂仍处于建设前阶段(已宣布,许可前开发或许可),则可能没有任何活动迹象。 在其他情况下,只能找到大概的位置信息。 最后,某些地区的卫星照片很少更新,因此不会显示最近的活动。


随着植物从开发的早期阶段发展到建造阶段,位置的准确性往往更高。 要查找位置的坐标以及位置是精确的还是近似的,请单击位置点,选择Wiki页面,然后在“项目详细信息”下查找。


是的,点击地图左上角的“表格”或下载电子表格形式的数据 点击此处.



跟踪器使用基于工厂规模,燃烧技术类型和煤种的计算。 有关详细信息,请参见 估算燃煤电厂的二氧化碳排放量 在GEM.wiki上。









跟踪器提供通常存在于特定位置的多个发电设施中的每一个的单独数据。 这些设施中的每一个都称为一个“单元”。 给定位置的整个单元集合称为“工厂”。



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该跟踪器由全球能源监测公司设计和生产。跟踪器中的信息已在最大程度上由熟悉特定国家/地区的研究人员进行了验证。以下全球能源监测研究人员参与了 2024 年 XNUMX 月的更新:Jelena Babajeva、Lucy Hummer、Jeanette Lim、Claire Pitre、Mingxin Zhang 和 Xing Zhang。以下人员参与了最初的逐厂研究:Elena Bixel(欧洲超越煤炭)、James Browning(全球能源监测)、Bob Burton(全球能源监测)、Gregor Clark(全球能源监测)、Joshua Frank(前全球能源监测)、Ted Nace(全球能源监测)、Christine Shearer(原全球能源监测)、Adrian Wilson(全球能源监测)、于爱群(全球能源监测)等。 Christine Law、Iris Shearer、Austin Woerner、Yvette Zhu 等人提供了额外的 wiki 编辑和事实检查。该跟踪器的最初架构师是 Ted Nace,第一位项目经理是 Christine Shearer。现任项目经理是 Flora Champenois。 Web/GIS 编程由 Tom Allnutt 和 Gregor Allensworth (GreenInfo Network) 在 Tim Sinnott (GreenInfo Network) 的支持下完成。


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