Global Energy Monitor

The Global Coal Project Finance Tracker (GCPFT) is a dataset of financial transactions to coal-fired power stations and proposed coal projects. The tracker includes information on project financiers, transaction amounts, financial institutions, financing status, dates of financial close, and more. 

Data is available to download and viewable with interactive mapping and aggregate dashboards and summary tables. Each coal power station is linked to its own separate factsheet on that provides references and further background. The project methodology is available here.

The most recent release of this data was in October 2023.

To receive notifications from this project, please sign up for our mailing list. If you have questions about this project, please contact the Project Manager, Alex Hurley.

Summary Tables

projects tracked
project sponsors
total GW financed
combined project value

Port Qasim EPC Power Station, Sindh, Pakistan
Map Data: Google, Image ©2021 Maxar Technologies